Coronavirus and Immunity
“What you can’t see can hurt you” is the lead line of “The Invisible Man.” Based on H.G. Wells’ 1897 classic novel, this Hollywood sci-fi thriller revolves around an evil scientist who discovers the secret of invisibility and torments his ex-girlfriend. No one can see him, yet he’s deadly. It's the same with coronavirus and other viruses.…

A Gift for You
The phone call—the call everyone hoped for, and everyone dreaded—came at 2:00 am. “We have a heart for Brody*,” the voice said. Everyone hoped for the call because 12-year-old Brody had been on the heart transplant list for many days, and before long his condition would deteriorate to the point where he would no longer…

Am I good enough?
Ryan grew up a religious person. Oh, yes, he enjoyed having a little fun here and there, a harmless practical joke now and then. Yet he regularly attended worship services. He married a lovely woman, and they sang beautifully together as she played the old piano. Mostly songs about God’s love. Their favorite said, “I’ve…

America’s Top Killer
Fifty-year-old Richard was the picture of health and a model citizen, a family man who was loved by his kids, his church and his community. However, his influence abruptly ceased one Sunday morning when, without warning, he just dropped dead. As the family made funeral arrangements, they awaited a report concerning the mysterious cause of…

An Intelligent Faith?
Joel and Mark were two friends with very different beliefs. Joel believed in God as the all–Sovereign King that created everything in the world. Mark was a devout atheist who scoffed at religion and thought the whole world – including himself – came about by accident, a biological mischance. “How do you know that God…

Ancient Scrolls Discovered in Forgotten Caves
In 1947 a shepherd boy named Mohammed ed-Dhib set off through the cliffs of the Judean wilderness in search of a wandering goat from his flock. As he climbed up the rugged terrain in search of the goat, he stumbled onto a cave. Curious about the depth of the cave, he tossed in a small…

Beyond Religion
Why do some products have that difficult plastic casing!? You bring home your latest gadget from the store. Upon taking it out of the bag, you have to wrestle with multiple layers of steel-like plastic to be able to even touch your new product. You try ripping the plastic with your hands, but you quickly…

Breaking Addictions
Several years ago I ran into an old friend with whom I had once used drugs. He, like my wife Susan and I, had used drugs our entire adult lives, beginning around the year 1972. Susan and I had broken free in 1996; however, my friend Randy was not so fortunate. When I saw him…

Can Dead People Talk?
Are you a car or a computer? “That’s silly,” you say. “I’m neither. I’m a human being.” True enough, but let’s pursue the question anyway. Cars and computers have one thing in common with us humans: we all need intelligence in order to function properly. However, cars don’t have an intelligence of their own. A…

Certainty in an Uncertain World
If you could choose a single word to describe the mindset of this generation, what would it be? I would choose the word uncertainty. More people seem uncertain about the future than ever before. They are uncertain whether some senseless terrorist attack or hostile nation will suddenly snuff out their lives. They are uncertain about whether…

Evolution Impossible
Evolution’s explanation for all the varied life forms on earth is an impossibility. That’s the perspective of a growing number of scientists who are willing to take the bold step of saying so. Following are three of the many compelling reasons to reject evolution compiled by scientist and author John F. Ashton MSc, PhD. Impossible…

Hope After Death
Michael Jackson’s untimely death on June 25, 2009 shocked the world. At his July 7 memorial service at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, actress Brooke Shields valiantly attempted to comfort the King of Pop’s grieving fans when she tearfully moaned, “we need to look up where he is undoubtedly perched in a crescent moon.”…

Myths About Hell
For most people, hell is simply one of a few four letter words, which they hear on a daily basis in the rage of rush hour traffic or the heated scenes of a Hollywood movie. To others though, the word hell brings back vivid childhood imaginations of an eternal roasting pit for humans which they…

Natural Disasters
What on Earth is Going On? You have probably noticed that Planet Earth appears to be ripping apart at the seams these days. Almost every week we hear fresh reports of yet another earthquake, fire, flood, or tornado sweeping thousands, or tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands into death’s icy grip – and…

Newton’s Forgotten Discovery
Isaac Newton, known for making many groundbreaking discoveries in science, mathematics, and astronomy, is in fact, “considered by many to be the greatest and most influential scientist who ever lived. (1)” A lesser known fact about Isaac Newton is his discoveries in the areas of religion, including his belief that the system of Roman Catholicism…

Promise of Peace
It is peace that you need—Heaven’s forgiveness and peace and love in the soul. Money cannot buy it, intellect cannot procure it, wisdom cannot attain to it; you can never hope, by your own efforts, to secure it. But God offers it to you as a gift, “without money and without price” (Isaiah 55:1). It…

Return to Rest
It used to be that television stations would play the national anthem and sign off sometime after midnight. No more. These days the wee hours are filled with programming. Anyone up at those hours can be pummeled with unending news, weather, and/or infomercial pitches for gadgets you never knew you needed. Even in small cities,…

Right Book at the Right Time
When she placed the book in my hand, I reluctantly accepted it. I did not intend to read it, but to be polite, I even thanked her. I didn’t tell her, of course, that I already planned to throw it away once I got home. She smiled, encouraged me again to read the book, and…

Secrets of Peak Mental Health
David DeRose, MD, MPH, and Bernell Baldwin, PhD, neuroscientist In 1944, at the age of 16, Edith Eger was taken by the Nazis from her home in Hungary and sent to the infamous Auschwitz death camp. Although spared the gas chambers used on her parents, the already-thin Edith gradually wasted away as she was transferred…

Steps to Health
Being healthy means more than just not being sick. Good health is life lived at your full potential-physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually. The Bible calls this the “abundant” life (see John 10:10), and it is exactly what God wants you to have. He says, “I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all…

Talking With God
Prayer is the opening of the heart to God as to a friend. Not that it is necessary in order to make known to God what we are, but in order to enable us to receive Him. Prayer does not bring God down to us, but brings us up to Him. When Jesus was upon…

The End of the World?
The times that we are living in are unlike any that we’ve seen before. Leaders of our country, businessmen, people who have positions of trust and authority, are all looking at the condition of our nation—and of the world—and wondering what’s going to happen next. Everyone’s watching the headlines. They’re looking at the unsettled conditions…

The Gift of Joy
“His name shall be called Immanuel, . . . God with us.” By coming to dwell with us, Jesus was to reveal God both to men and to angels. He was the Word of God,–God’s thought made audible. In His prayer for His disciples He says, “I have declared unto them Thy name,”–”merciful and gracious,…

Today’s 10 Commandments
The first speeding ticket ever issued was given to a man named Walter Arnold of East Pekham, Kent in the U.K. on Jan. 28, 1896. Arnold was ticketed for driving 8mph (13km/h) in a 2 mph (3.2 km/h) zone. The most expensive speeding punishment ever reportedly issued was to a father in Rotterdam, Netherlands who…

War in Heaven
Did you know that the very first war ever fought is recorded to have taken place in the unlikeliest place? The Bible tells us that “there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not; neither was their place found any more…

What the World Needs Now
“What the world needs now,” reveal the lyrics of a once-popular song, “is love, sweet love.” Unfortunately, a similar song moans that most of us are “looking for love in all the wrong places.” Can you relate? Almost everyone—including you and me—has a deep inner need to experience real love; but unfortunately, actually finding something…

What’s Wrong With Grandpa?
“What’s wrong with Grandpa?” three-year-old Daniel asked his Dad. “Grandpa died,” his father gently told him. “Died?” asked Daniel. “Well,” Dad chose his words carefully, “Grandpa is sleeping, and he won’t wake up for a very long time.” While family and friends gathered at the graveside, Grandpa’s casket was lowered into the ground. As family members shoveled dirt into the grave, Daniel grabbed his father’s…

When Freedom Dies
“With liberty and justice for all.” —from America’s National Pledge of Allegiance On New York Harbor’s Liberty Island sits America’s grandest monument—the Statue of Liberty. Her message resounds in human hearts worldwide. Freedom. How precious! Yet sadly, one day freedom itself will be taken away by men, governments, and nations. Here’s how it will happen.…

Where is God when I’m Hurting?
The day begins. Any given day. A family of five starts a drive across town. The crash is sudden. Metal, plastic and flesh are torn apart. Three are dead and two are severely injured. But the drunk driver in the speeding truck that hit them is merely bruised. Why? A terrible dictator seizes control of…

A Better Future
The little planet we call home is an incredibly special place in the universe. Astronomers have not yet found life anywhere else, but life on our planet is under threat. In the past 200 years, earth’s population has grown from 1 billion to 7 billion and the United Nations predicts that we will reach 9.7…

Why Church on Saturday
To many, my Saturday church attendance appears to be out of step with the Sunday Christian tradition. They wonder how I can be so confused as to go on the “wrong day.” So, exactly why do I, and millions like me, choose Saturday over Sunday? Consider these three reasons that may surprise you. Reason One—God’s…